meet and network with volunteers across sections 2, 9, and 12.
Early Bird Registration is $275 (ends January 15, 2025)
Use discount code 2025early at checkout.
Regular Registration is $325 (begins January 16, 2025)
Meals that are included in the full event are: Saturday Breakfast, Saturday Lunch, and Sunday Breakfast.
Meals included in Saturday Only are: Saturday Breakfast and Saturday Lunch.
As we get closer to the event, as you are planning your weekend of courses, save time for yourself and our volunteer instructors by logging into AYSOU and enrolling in your courses. This will help ensure you get credit for everything you plan on taking during the weekend.
Nugget Casino Resort Booking Information: https://nuggetcasinoresort.book.pegsbe.com
(800) 648-1177
For additional help or questions please email Section 9 Director Shannon Gordon at aysosection9sd@gmail.com.
We can’t wait to see you at the Nugget!
Expo Agenda Click Here
Expo Course Catalog Click Here
Vendor registration Click Here

February 20, 2025END DATE
February 23, 2025AYSO EXPO LOCATION
Nugget Casino Resort1100 Nugget Ave
Sparks, Nevada 89431
REGISTER NOW! Early Registration Fee: $275Available Through: January 15, 2025
Regular Registration Fee: $325
Other Fees: Meals that are included in the full event are: Saturday Breakfast, Saturday Lunch, and Sunday Breakfast. Meals included in Saturday Only are: Saturday Breakfast and Saturday Lunch. Lunch will be provided on Friday for those attending RC or Instructor training.
Hotel Phone (Main):Reserve Online: https://nuggetcasinoresort.book.pegsbe.com/promo?propertyCode=NCR&offerCode=GAYSO25
Reserve by Phone: (800) 648-1177 Code: GAYSO25
Room Rate: $90.06 + taxes
Hotel Reservation Deadline:
Parking Fee: Included